Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The mechanical breathing valve KDM, "Mehmat" allows you to exclude the ingress of fire into the tank, due to the built-in fuse, and also contributes to the economy of petroleum products, due to the sealing of the gas space of the tank.
Hydraulic safety valve, CNG allows you to protect the tank with oil and petroleum products from destruction and deformation during the formation of pressure above the norm in case of failure of the DM.
The combined-action breathing valve, KDS-4 "Eco" is necessary for automation of complex pressure control of the gas space of the tank in case of accidents and in normal operation.
Non-freezing diaphragm breathing valve, NDKM "Nord" reduces evaporation losses by sealing the gas space. Frost-resistant materials were used for operation at subzero temperatures.
The disk reflector, UP to "Diskonom" reduces losses from evaporation of oil and petroleum products in the tank, as well as helps to reduce environmental pollution.
Peripheral tank ventilation pipes, PVR-P prevents the appearance of a fire-hazardous, gas mixture in the above-ton space and contributing to the ventilation of tanks in a natural way.
The ventilation pipe (PV) is designed to provide ventilation in the tank, which in turn allows it to be protected from deformation and destruction.
The central ventilation tank pipe, PVR-C "Ventor" is mounted on vertical cylindrical tanks with a fixed roof and a pontoon, protects the tank from deformation, promotes its ventilation.
SMDK-R "Reverse" regulates the vapor pressure in the gas space of the gas station tanks.
SMDK-40M, SMDK-50M protects the tank from sparks and flames getting inside, also contributes to sealing the gas space and regulating the vapor pressure in the tank.
The emergency valve, AK-500 allows you to relieve excess pressure into the atmosphere. This valve was created to protect the tank from deformation and destruction in the event of critical pressure.
The mechanical breathing valve, KDM-K seals the gas space in the tank, as well as regulates the pressure within the specified limits.

All SZNRO products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SZNRO: tanks, flame retardants, breathing equipment, samplers, auxiliary equipment, receiving and distributing devices, hatches, pipes, foam generators, pontoons, SKNR
  • Capacities SZNRO
    EP, EPP, KUV, eats, etc.
  • Flame retardants SZNRO
    Flame retardants
    OP, POZH, POK, etc.
  • Breathing equipment SZNRO
    Breathing equipment
    KDS 3, KDM, KDS-4, etc.
  • Vspom. equipment SZNRO
    Vspom. equipment
    Bosses, SV, OK, etc.
  • Reception and distribution devices SZNRO
    Reception and distribution devices
    FSS,USN,PRU,CS,ROM, etc.
  • Branch pipes SZNRO
    Branch pipes
    PM, PV, PZ, PPR, etc.
  • Hatches SZNRO
    LZ, LL, LS, etc.
  • Foam generators SZNRO
    Foam generators
    GPSS-600, KNP, VPU, etc.
  • Pontoons SZNRO
    PZP , etc .
  • Load compensation systems SZNRO
    Load compensation systems
    SKNR , etc .
  • Samplers SZNRO


SZNRO (Samara) is a company engaged in the production of oil and tank equipment, including containers for petroleum products, for more than 11 years. The quality of the manufactured equipment is provided at the highest level.
  • quality

    The quality of the manufactured equipment is provided at the highest level and is constantly being improved.

    An operational approach to solving the tasks set. Timely updating of equipment.

    Upgrades of already released products are regularly carried out, as well as the development and implementation of new products.

Information Board SZNRO

Learn more about our products SZNRO.
  • Price list for products of the plant SZNRO
    Price list for products
  • Product catalog of SZNRO из каталога СЗНРО
    Product catalog of SZNRO
  • The questionnaire for the tank is horizontal производства СЗНРО
    The questionnaire for the tank is horizontal
  • Questionnaire for the tank  производства СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for the tank
  • Questionnaire on capacity марки СЗНРО
    Questionnaire on capacity
  • Questionnaire on the manhole завода СЗНРО
    Questionnaire on the manhole
  • Questionnaire on flame retardants производства СЗНРО
    Questionnaire on flame retardants
  • Questionnaire for the mounting pipe на сайте СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for the mounting pipe
  • Questionnaire for the ventilation pipe от производителя СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for the ventilation pipe
  • Questionnaire for the receiving and distributing branch pipe в магазине СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for the receiving and distributing branch pipe
  • Questionnaire for a heat-resistant foam chamber поставщика СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for a heat-resistant foam chamber
  • Questionnaire for a low-fold foam camera из каталога СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for a low-fold foam camera
  • Questionnaire on the foam generator of average multiplicity на сайте СЗНРО
    Questionnaire on the foam generator of average multiplicity
  • Questionnaire for a floating sampler на сайте СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for a floating sampler
  • Questionnaire for a sectional org. type sampler производства СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for a sectional org. type sampler
  • The questionnaire for the firecracker производства СЗНРО
    The questionnaire for the firecracker
  • Questionnaire for the siphon tap марки СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for the siphon tap
  • Questionnaire for the shut-off float valve на сайте СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for the shut-off float valve
  • Questionnaire on MU side, upper в магазине СЗНРО
    Questionnaire on MU side, upper
  • Questionnaire for the receiving and distributing device бренда СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for the receiving and distributing device
  • Questionnaire for a floating intake device производства СЗНРО
    Questionnaire for a floating intake device
  • Questionnaire on SUPR производства СЗНРО
    Questionnaire on SUPR


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